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BBL Photofacial in Melbourne, FL

Ageless Looks

Melbourne BBL Photofacials at TAO Medical Spa

As we age, we often develop skin problems such as rosacea and hyperpigmentation in our skin. The BBL, or BroadBand Light Therapy, can help alleviate rosacea and treat acne. It can also address other signs of aging, such as age spots, sun damage, and spider veins. At TAO Medical Spa in Melbourne BBL photofacials are an excellent way to improve the look and damage to your skin. Contact us today at TAO Medical Spa for a consultation and wipe the years away.

No More Tired-Looking Skin

What is BBL Photofacial?

BBL photofacials are often confused with laser treatments; they are actually very different. BBL photofacials, unlike the focused light of a laser, use non-invasive light waves to target trouble spots and repair damaged skin. BBL uses a broad spectrum of light waves that can be filtered to treat different skin conditions. With a BBL photofacial Melbourne patients can treat larger areas than traditional IPL lasers. BBL photofacials reach deeper areas of the skin that creams and lotions can’t.

BBL Photofacial Melbourne

Safe and Effective

What are the benefits of BBL Photofacial?

BBL photofacials are the gold standard of laser treatments. BBL photofacials can treat a multitude of skin issues and reverse the signs of aging. This safe, effective, FDA-approved method reduces uneven skin texture and discoloration, including age spots and freckles, fine lines and wrinkles, crepey skin, and vascular lesions like visible blood vessels. One of the most amazing benefits of this procedure is that no surgery is required, and it can be done in very little time.

More Beautiful Skin

Your BBL Photofacial Consultation

When you arrive at TAO Medical Spa for your consultation, we will work with you to determine whether you’re a good candidate for BBL photofacial. Photofacials are better suited to those clients with lighter skin tones. Unfortunately, darker skin tones can absorb the light, causing hyperpigmentation. Clients with skin discoloration looking for tighter skin tone and rosacea are good candidates for BBL photofacial. It’s best to avoid smoking for a few weeks before your procedure, as this impedes the healing that BBL triggers underneath the skin. Also, discontinue medicines that can cause excessive bleeding.

Blasted Skin, Beautiful You

Your BBL Photofacial Procedure

BBL photofacials work by blasting short, high-intensity lights that heat the underlying areas of the skin to stimulate your skin cells and produce new collagen. This same energy can reduce the appearance of redness by shrinking fine blood vessels in the skin. This procedure is virtually painless, but we can apply a numbing cream to the treated area if you are bothered by sensitive skin. The whole process takes approximately 15 minutes.

Results that Matter

BBL Photofacials Results

Many patients see results after the first one or two treatments. For best results, it is advised to have BBL photofacial treatments at least four times per year. Brown spots will often appear darker for a week or so after the treatment, but within two weeks or so, your skin will begin to scale, but this will go away in a week or so as the treatment develops a new skin layer. Most people see improvements within a week or so, including reducing redness, fine lines and wrinkles, and rosacea. BBL photofacial can also treat acne and improve skin tone and laxity.

BBL Photofacial Melbourne

Fifteen Minutes to Wonderful

Melbourne BBL Photofacial Recovery & Aftercare

It is vital to keep the area treated moist after the procedure. Avoid sun and intense heat, including tanning beds, for at least seven days and preferably 14 days. Your skin will be prone to sunburn, so sunscreen is very important. Following a BBL Photofacial Melbourne patients can enjoy a quick recovery, and can go about their daily activities after the procedure.

BBL PhotofacialsFrequently Asked Questions

Both are light treatments, but BBL is much stronger, more advanced, and can achieve better results than IPL. BBL stimulates collagen production under the skin. Multiple passes help achieve outstanding results.

No, BBL photofacial is an intense light treatment, not a laser treatment, and as such, it has a much faster recovery time than a laser treatment will.

Book Your Appointment

Our talented team is here to provide treatments that deliver naturally-focused results and help you tune into your most energized, confident self. We love building relationships with our clients and are here to offer the best Melbourne, FL, med spa services for your needs. Book now, and Together As One, we can make self-care part of your daily life.

308 S. Harbor City Blvd., Suite C, Melbourne, FL 32901

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